I decided to capture people as the main subject matter placed behind vandalised perspex as it illustrates the concept of those who are unseen, and the way we view people. In today's society we are constantly moving, we barely have time to stop, let alone stop and look at those around us. However, it can be argued that a bus stop is the place for this, for a minute or two at a bus stop we are still. Waiting for the bus to take us to our next priority. It's a somewhat space which splits up our busy lives. But, it is an unwanted space, the majority of us do not want to be waiting around for a bus. This idea can then work alongside the theory created by Stuart Hall; audience positioning. He demonstrated how media creators encourage their audience to respond in a particular way to what they see. Artists are capable of positioning their observer to respond in certain ways. With the role of photographs the observer has time and space to reflect and consider their position to the preferred ideas presented and therefore do not have spontaneous emotional responses but a more rational responses. This is something I wished to explore with my final publications of my “stops and stations” project. This idea links to the concept of being permanent, people at bus stops are not. They come, wait, get on the bus and go. Therefore my overall concept of depicting a portrait shoot to look as if they are waiting behind the vandalised glass of a bus stop are permanent. These images have been captured and therefore will go nowhere.